Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Top 5 Conception Tips

Top 5 Conception Tips

Are you eager to add the special someone in your family? Read the following conception tips:

To get pregnant fast now, check out here.

1. Have sex early in the morning. During the early hours, a man’s sperm count is at the highest. A man wakes up in the morning sexually stimulated, which is part of his natural construction. So my best conception tips are to sleep well in the night, wake up early and make love!

2. Doctors suggest this conception tip frequently – the sperm count increases drastically in cooler temperature. Therefore, it is important to keep the genital area cool. How? Begin by avoiding tight pants and underwear; and avoid taking frequent hot tub baths or showers. They increase the body temperature which lowers the sperm count.

3. Researches have found that 55% women stand to face difficulty in conception or possible miscarriage if she is a frequent coffee drinker. My conception tips are to avoid coffee and any drinks that contain caffeine during the period you are trying for pregnancy.

4. Stay away from pesticides – your rare conception tips; you won’t find this everywhere. Pesticides can increase miscarriage possibility by almost 120%. If you are pregnant or trying for conception, make sure you are away from any pesticides, commonly found in gardens.

5. While alcohol is avoided, studies show that wine can actually help in conception. It helps you to relax and reduces stress.

These were your 5 main conception tips. Pregnancy is one of the joyous experiences of a woman’s life. Make sure you take all precautions and medical treatment to ensure safe conception, uncomplicated pregnancy, and swift delivery.

To get pregnant fast now, check out here.

